Thoresby Classic Car & Motorcycle Show 2017

The weather is always a topic of conversation in this county and Thoresby Classic Car and Motorcycle show booked the sunshine just right. Could have done with a little less breeziness, but you can’t have everything, right?

We met up with members of TIPEC (The Independent Porsche Enthusiasts Club) and had a lovely time chatting. In between, we managed to get around the show, the grounds of the hall (and inside, which is worth a look) and the market stalls.

Everyone we spoke to was up-beat and cheerful and enjoyed talking about their cars and bikes – and everything else that sprang to mind. We chatted at length with a group of people who had a collection of VW vans – campers mainly. An icon from my youth, it’s great to see so many well-restored and obviously loved vehicles on show.

The classic bikes are another draw for me, I love hearing the throaty rumble of the older bikes, the Triumphs, Nortons, BSA, Matchless, Indians and the like. It’s one of our more local shows and it’s always a pleasure to be able to drive to a show and be almost sure of meeting up with people we know.
See you there!
See you there!

We attended the second of 2017's events in August, with glorious weather. Thoresby Hall looked magnificent.
The show is mainly on grass and parking is more with respect than anything, to allow clubs and types to park near each other.
The show is mainly on grass and parking is more with respect than anything, to allow clubs and types to park near each other.

We arrived in the Mustang and parked with the American bunch.

Lots and lots of great cars to see, with the majority being English Classics.
Lots of support from the Porsche enthusiasts.
If you’re showing your car, you do need to arrive at a reasonable time, but the organisers are quite easy on leaving times. You are not going to be leaving this one quickly, there is so much to see.
Food, drink and toilets are all good and the Hall is open and free to wander around. (It is an hotel if you fancy making a break of it, but no kids allowed in the Hotel).
Good points
Low cost and very well attended. Great for a get-together and picnic for any club.
Good communication from the organisers, and a great site.
Bad Points
Nothing really, except better organisation for the motorcycles so they can show their bikes better and people like me can take photos. Better spacing required.
Lots of support from the Porsche enthusiasts.
If you’re showing your car, you do need to arrive at a reasonable time, but the organisers are quite easy on leaving times. You are not going to be leaving this one quickly, there is so much to see.
Food, drink and toilets are all good and the Hall is open and free to wander around. (It is an hotel if you fancy making a break of it, but no kids allowed in the Hotel).
Good points
Low cost and very well attended. Great for a get-together and picnic for any club.
Good communication from the organisers, and a great site.
Bad Points
Nothing really, except better organisation for the motorcycles so they can show their bikes better and people like me can take photos. Better spacing required.
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